Friday, December 12, 2008

Response to Classmate's Blog

In response to Erich's "Obama on Employment and Energy" In Erich's article he says that it's"great news" that Obama plans to create 2 million highway jobs and in a very sad way I agree with him and Pres. Elect Obama's plan. Is it the whole solution to our financial woes? No, but anything that will stop the trend of unemployed Americans is a good start. Even if it means spending more money on the Highway programs to get started; so what? Unemployed Americans just become a drain on the system whereas employed citizens not only pay taxes to help repay the debt, but feel a sense of pride. I know how Erich feels when he says he is excited to be able to get a job when he graduates.Is it going to be in the field that he studied in college. Hopefully, but maybe not. This reminds me of a similar plan in the early 70's when there was also a recession. I was 19, married with a child and one on the way. There were not many jobs but there was a govt. program started through the US Dept.of Agriculture to create jobs in warehousing and delivering food products to lower income families who qualified. It was not what I had envisioned my life's work to be, but I was very happy to be gainfully employed. I never did get to go to college then but I am making up for it now. I'm glad your excited Erich and I hope when you graduate that soon to be Pres.Obama will come through on these and many other jobs. Faith lives on. Peace.TM

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